Polices and Procedure
Things to know when making an appointment with us
All Procedures require you to pay in full online
Arrive on time for your appointment
15 min grace period after that you will be rescheduled
Cancellations require 24hr notice
NO Children Allowed/NO Pets Allowed
All Services are NON-Refundable/Non-Transferable
All Appointments paid with a credit card will be charged TAX
We accept Cash & Credit Card ONLY
Things to know when Booking a Training
You must be DEPOSIT READY!
Balance of the class must be paid on the day of CLASS!
Balance must be paid in CASH ONLY!
Balance must be paid before the start of CLASS!
Things to know when making an appointment with us
All Procedures require you to pay in full online
Arrive on time for your appointment
15 min grace period after that you will be rescheduled
Cancellations require 24hr notice
NO Children Allowed/NO Pets Allowed
All Services are NON-Refundable/Non-Transferable
All Appointments paid with a credit card will be charged TAX
We accept Cash & Credit Card ONLY
Things to know when Booking a Training
You must be DEPOSIT READY!
Balance of the class must be paid on the day of CLASS!
Balance must be paid in CASH ONLY!
Balance must be paid before the start of CLASS!